Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What's going on in your life???

Hey, viewers!!! Nice to meet new friends (or even old ones) cruising my newly-created blog. How is it? Do you like it? Well, if any of you guys have any comments, ideas or plans to "better-fie" it, then please, go ahead and kindly share them with me. It is truly remarkable what you guys can think of these days, especially with the high-tech computer stuff.

Anyway, let's get to the point. My name is Ng Jack Min, fourteen of age. My birthday falls on the 28th of February. I study at SMJK Chung Ling, Penang, which most of you might know of. I live in Sungai Ara, which is quite a long way from my school. My cellphone number is 012-.......(If you wanna know, please reveal yourself first. I don't reveal too much of my personal details. Sorry for the inconvenience!) and my e-mail address is These are the ways of how you guys can contact me.

Most people say I am handsome, but to be a modest guy, I am just a regular boy going about in his life and facing his inner demons. I am just ordinary in my studies(wait till you see my school results). I'd love a chat with a friends, face to face, of course. I can't stand being TOTALLY quiet. My mood depends on the weather(Just kiddin'), and I am actually an alien being with supernatural powers created to exterminate the human race from the face of the universe(No, seriously...)

I'd love to hang out with my old pals, either from Primary or Secondary school(Since 2008, I have been searching for my long-lost buddies from SJK (C) Union. So, if one of you guys happen to recognise me, please leave a comment or message with your full name, cellphone number, current school and maybe other info on yourself. I would appreciate it. But if you don't or have never even met me, then you are extremely welcome to share yourself and your ideas.). I also happen to love catching new blockbuster movies on the big screens, especially in Queensbay Mall GSC on Saturdays(mostly in the evening.) So, if you so happen to catch sight of a new megamovie in the newspapers, you'd know where to search for me. Besides that, I enjoy walking around Queensbay Mall wth a cup of delicious McDonald's chocolate sundae in my hands whilst hanging out with a group of friends after a cool movie. I also love a good book, especially a thrilling novel with loads of spies, traitors, gunshots, explosions, blood, gore......Music is my life. I would never go anywhere without a set of headphones and a fully-charged cellphone loaded with new songs in my pocket. Nevertheless, surfing the web and checking out other people's blogs, Myspaces and facebooks is one thing I truly love. It is a great way to express oneself through e-mails and blogs as it can be viewed by anyone, anytime, anywhere. If not, what's the use of paying more than RM100 for the Internet???

Blue is my colour identity. I have a regular meal at Kim Gary after movies. My crush is......(No way, man!). My true idol is the recently passed Michael Jackson, who had inspired me to do betterin life, not just sitting around and waiting for fate to decide my destiny.

Well, this is all I've got to say about me. I will always be in touch, especially on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. Thanks for spending a minute or two on viewing my blog. Although it may seem not much of a big deal to you, but it is to me. And I apologise for any inconvenience, harsh words, discremination or any other problems in this short message.

Thank you. ;)

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