Thursday, September 3, 2009

G.I. Joe ROCKS!!!!!!

I caught this SUPER-COOL movie last Saturday. This was kick-ass AWESOME!!!!!! A pure modern Leonardo Davinci masterpiece that'll just blow you away!!!!!! Don't believe me??? Well, check out this movie all by yourself on the big screens. Be sure to prepare a paperbag while you are at it, cause I nearly puked with excitement when I was at Queensbay Mall GSC. So AMAZING!!!!!! It deserves an easy 5-star award for the supreme-ness and coolness. Action-packed and adrenalin-pumped, you wouldn't regret wasting a ten-dollar bill on this baby.

A - mazing stunts

B - est effects

C - ool kungfu moves

D - amn fantastic weapons

E - xciting scenes

F - abulously made

G - orgeous machines

H - eavenly technology

I - ntensifying bits

J - olly awesome stunts

K - ick-ass time

L - ovin' it

M - ega masterpiece

N - o doubt brain-sizzling

O - utrageous moment

P - ulse-jammed action

Q - uest-filled

R - ock n' roll

S - weet show

T - wo thumbs up

U - ranium-radiated explosions and blasts

V - ery enjoyable

W - ay out of control

X - treme car chases

Y - do you still bother asking???

Z - esty BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE that is sure to blow you away!!!!!!

The character in this movie that blew me away the most was Snake-Eyes. He wore that cool suit and had his face all covered up like he was some sort of assassin or something. And he is one of the most mysterious character in this film. I mean, he never even said a word, let alone a sentence. And he was loaded with these cool gadgets, weaponry and awesome kungfu moves that just blow your freakin' mind away. And there is this particular guy from WHITE CHICKS. You know, one of the Wayne cop brothers. He and the other guy(what a mess! I forgot their names!) wore those cool suits (look at the above picture.) that gave you the ability to run faster, punch harder and leap higher. It just accelerates you particles to increase the strength, speed and power of your body, but of course, now it's not a science class, so I'll skip that part for now.

The plot is quite exciting, really. It gives you this great suspense that makes you want to go on and on watching it, especially the ending, where the president was kidnapped(or killed, not really informative...) and replaced by another villian who had a surgery(or something. Commander Cobra fixed his face on a really evil-looking machine with tubes and all and TOTALLY changed the guy's features into the president's. Hope you get what I mean...). So, this movie just really gets on your nerves because the ending was really suspenseful. But, you can't blame them, can't you?
Well, it is a great show! I can't really go into the details, but if I were you, I would catch this movie right now!!! It is worth the watch and the money, for it will never let you down. Why? Like I said, it has all the elements and facts that made it such an enjoyable film. I encourage you viewers to watch this movie. It is currently my 'Movie of the Year'.
See ya! Keep in touch!

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